1. 작성자 : 서 헬레나

  2. 공부한 날짜 : 2023.3.6. ~2023.3.12.

  3. 수강한 강의 : Match Challenge 049

  4. 키워드 : crops, take a hit, look grim

  5. 노트 : 어휘의 다양한 사용법

    1. (me) How was about crops of Sangjun’s family? 상준이네 올해 농사는 잘 됐대? (correct) How are Sangjoon’s crops this year?
    2. (me) Well… they took a great hit because of a storm. 별로… 태풍 때문에 타격을 많이 받았지. (correct) Not so great… they took a big hit because of the storm.
    1. (me) It looks grim. 상황이 좀 안 좋아보여. (correct) Things look a little grim.
    1. (me) So I’m going to skip lunch today. 그래서 오늘 점심은 패스하려고.
  6. 요약 : 태풍에 피해를 입은 다른 사람의 상황을 걱정하며 얘기하는 상황

  7. 응용 문장 : Many people took a big hit since the covid virus came out.

  8. 수강한 강의 : Match Challenge 050

  9. 키워드 : doesn’t/ no matter how~, never be able to, it’s over, no use, it’s still better than~,sit on one’s hands

  10. 노트 :

    1. (me) It doesn’t possible no matter how try hard. 이건 아무리 발버둥쳐봤자 안 돼. (correct) It doesn’t matter how hard we try, it’s not possible.
    1. (me) You’re never be able to finish. 이거 절대로 못 끝내. (correct) We’ll never be able to finish this.
    1. (me) It’s over, let’s give up. It’s no use. 다 끝났어, 포기하자. 소용 없어.
    2. (me) It’s still better than sit on our hands. 그래도 손 놓고 있는 것보단 낫지. (correct) It’s still better than just sitting on our hands.
    1. (me) Let’s try to call Tom and help us out. (correct) Let’s call Tom and ask him to help us out.
  11. 요약 : 애써서 해보려고 했지만 도저히 할 수 없어 포기하자는 친구에게 그래도 도움을 요청해보자고 하는 상황

  12. 응용 문장 : It doesn’t matter how much I prepare, even though it’s still better than doing nothing myself.

  13. 수강한 강의 : Match Challenge 051

  14. 키워드 : How is ~going?, ~is in your hands, fate, ace, one of those people~, do worse, wing it

  15. 노트 :

    1. (me) How’s it going? 준비는 잘 돼가? (correct) How is the preparation going?
      • (지난 번에 하던 거) 잘 됐어? How did it go?
    2. (me) Do you know our fate is in your hands? 우리 운명이 네 손에 달려있는 거 알지? (correct) You know (that) our fate is in your hands.
    3. (me) You~~’re going to~~ ace from the presentation tomorrow. 너 내일 발표 진짜 잘해야 된다. (correct) You must ace that presentation tomorrow.
    1. 난 준비를 너무 많이 하면 오히려 더 못하는 타입이라서 (me) I’m the one of those people who are ready too much to do worse.
      (correct) I’m one of those people that do worse when I prepare too much.
    1. (me) I~~’m going to~~ wing it tomorrow. Don’t worry. 내일 그냥 즉석에서 때우려고. 걱정 마. (correct) I’ll just wing it tomorrow. Don’t worry about it.
  16. 요약 : 내일 정말 중요한 발표를 앞두고 내일 즉흥적으로 준비하겠다고 말하는 친구